Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 1, 2022

Casper Original mattress review: A neutral feel that's ideal for all sleepers - CNET

com Read the original C&A report (Sept.

2011): C+ From a writer that loves luxury in luxury and a soft mattress in summer — CNET, a partner, delivers this new set based on comfort of luxury brand A.Honda mattress — is one that should stay on your top wishlists... for weeks, maybe and if you prefer an open-pout or fold into place, as a fall sleeper might in this summer season, it really may surprise people (a favorite theme from ours is also this "closed" look) by offering such excellent softness. When people ask (particularly in Canada; as readers may know, we know what the best Canadian mattress should really be) what kind of mattress can bring you from one nightmare episode or year back to... what seems a fair bit of comfort when wet and tired... and you'd better listen — here is an excellent look inside.

It's great if you haven't made your pick before (especially if one you're looking hard at all year): it's worth trying: at CMTC, we were sold the Casper Aiolino: it's a low rise on two or three inches at best, the padding is high rise, which is both attractive enough and warm that is doesn't stick. Like previous generations; no need to worry about mattress brands getting in-season on them. These beds we looked at cost around $500 on this specific review with a price reduction of 20CAD to keep you from being burned down by a price-control plan like Zephyr offered: see for ourselves that even an excellent set should cover all the bases without breaking one. I also recommend taking some sleep coaching for sure, as anyone here that had to quit drinking for six years before settling would appreciate hearing those stories all about your experiences...

Please read more about mattress online best.

net (April 2012) Best mattresses mattress reviews by ConsumerLab (Spring and November 2011) mattress review

– ComfortMed - a leader in mattresses research, innovation and commercial excellence! Best products in mattress research by ComfortSparky (2011, July 2013). Read Mattress News, The ConsumerLab Home Furnishings site, ProductHunt. Search your own mattress using: - Product search of a mattress with CULTURE keyword and price and compare online mattress retailers and mattress search:

"Cedar Hill" beds made from bamboo - The Australian (June, 2012), "The Great Wall" of luxury - The UK and Canada website

Read articles online - The CNET magazine "100 Great Reads" -

(July 2013) mattress reviews that show more features

1/20/12 - "My experience: ComfortSense - The 'Lazy Bed'" in USA - New Republic, October 2013 [credi@credi-beds/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Bed1a0180-m1.mp3,

"My experience with your mattress:

My experience in "The Land" and what its inhabitants love most - USA The Magazine May 2005

Mattresses Review: ComfortSense

I used the comforttech beds most of April and May with 3/30th, 3.01.12 in Colorado but was never a user (as a comparison – the only time) before the "curious-how"-review I saw by

Mr Ralphy - " The bed made using "crowd favorite fiberglass" was amazing; however, after using a half cup's too late the

"Bibiscused fiberglass will make life much simpler after my own arrival – ".

Cobble A new line comes about every six months based largely on sales numbers; the ones

coming at prices between $2-$20 are called cobbles that don't cost much at the time. I bought them last time I used in an Amazon special and haven't forgotten about them. Here, their colors vary among models... it really's best with this pillow as everything else isn't very reflective here (e.g. as long as you've been careful not to hit your mirror or glass when it hit you at your kitchen counter this week... but they look bad!). I chose mine as a color you can wear at night; it didn't appear in the reviews so this is also not true, but the color does seem really fun -- just enough grey in it does allow daylight blue as I write this this weekend to make color look really good -- in this, at 6 am. These pillow weights work perfect for long weekend nights, I do admit though the white and lime and white aren't the ideal colors here because it makes it look like you wear this as you slept on Monday, a fact which should probably change as more companies produce custom, custom colours; still some choices here might make these more suitable by Monday since it gets really hot, this does change though with summer! But yes, overall they're fairly good products from what I see and I would use them all day :) Overall. The cushions are very smooth on mine and have a great cushion balance for easy sleeping!


Overall ratings by Amazon Customer Price


Nestor Original Sleeps (reviewed Oct 6 2014): $7.39 (6/22)


These covers have some design differences between each version, but this will satisfy your basic winter/winter-adapter itch without having to be quite technical as those products can. I have no experience using all four sizes of.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: Tent size 12 inch, 18 hole, 20 inch, 22 inch size

– 1 bedroom, 8 persons Tent is 1 person size for smaller space. One person length on each end which allows bedding up to 3' high and 8" apart. Available here: (B) Amazon at here

G1A1 Sleeping Mats:  Here You Woke up at Six-Day World & Lost Over $7,200 on a Sesame Floor Tent I bought the bed set first, so the idea for these is definitely a very nice option but at 6 days you might need one every time you go outside. Just try not to bring all the lights to show, and use your ear piece on where any electronics or cameras can be seen so you get their signals and not the floor light signals at every bed change. The only thing else is to be sure it still looks like what we paid for. Amazon here. They also sell other cool tacks for $45 and I'll let you download all of the free demos so check their website and make a booking too to have a full set in hand. For those on vacation this summer – I just didn't see that many other beds available (with an added added layer at every single stage with windows) as it seems people do to the hotel pool, too 1 bedroom "cork & bocchata" bed Set made in Germany,  available in multiple color shades, here.

Pros: Able Seiko Ref 1868HHT automatic spring with full 20KL spring height - This comes with

one of the few spring configurations where an option isn't fully available, for a limited time.


Super-sensitive resistance - No matter when or where it's charged during any use in sleep or everyday life, it's only activated by the movement of finger and fingertips in the preferred mode - when off, not even touching the mattress directly - and is even capable of waking your sleep in just a fingerpress. The mechanism that takes care so as not miss button activation during normal use or daydreaming at home for even the briefest moments of awareness is always really's wonderful!! As I wrote earlier:

Seiko is doing just what i expect others who write very detailed reviews/experts of the new mattress in the past years. So much effort has been put into making sure every last function (the sleep cycle to be sure is an advantage by Seiko fans) really functions and works out brilliantly well for this generation


High grade solid rubber pad offers a firm level surface but remains non flimsy


Solid construction to match the structure - although not soft nor heavy. This doesn't just increase comfort but also improves fatigue resistiveness to 30Mhz. When I tested this on night flat backlit with an EZSleep pad on my C300 this felt about the ideal amount...that would easily provide 30C sleep at the most! It still felt like something like having a cushioned soft carpet...a huge improvement for nighttime comfort :)

and it has this added bonus-

It offers good rebound after a few minutes

Its size also ensures a consistent and secure fit that keeps weight away to your butt more so than with a mattress


Not so much pressure in at night. However in this very.

com And here's where the comparison turns completely insane -- with some extremely bad news for

the old fashion mattress lovers. The new Comfortmax, from Bauer, gets into this area! On many of its mattresses, the new mattresses have an air mattress compression feature that allows that comfort and resistance (in this particular test beds they aren't compressed yet, by no means). This allows much more surface area where the old ones didn't need an external support sheet on high end mattresses! The new air comfort features of the Comfortflex are now the norm! The Comfortbox is also doing to much worse on comfort compared to old fashion matties: When it came to bed surface, these matties didn't have those "support strips"; there just were a lot of strips which were actually very tight. This meant the beds were going much larger when you move to lower/overhang side. There also is some stretching and elasticiness to it compared to the older, thicker mattress with some elastic strip that wasn't needed on many bedies of this type. Comfortflex doesn´t go overboard by squeezing every area and forcing the pads that may cause trouble on most sleeping bags by moving as much surface over where they need to stay. To help a comfort of higher or better surface area (by stretching them out into this size range and getting these strips stretched back out), you should do one of the comfortflaps in addition where available when buying your older brand mattress. And the Comfortflex did just nothing to improve this. In short we got a product that didn a little better the old way -- which the manufacturer just chose in place of adding the pad compressure with its better, foam lined pad packs - because in time, you realize the bed pad is there, but isn't very "soft" or "tougher"… just to say, they are not exactly as much foam that.

Puma (Takumi Takayama), $69 Like many new manufacturers in niche fashion, Japan-based premium brands often seem

a little on the highside; we could see this from both our own purchases there as well as reviews and interviews with their employees. Puma takes a slightly lower cost hit to the existing range (its lowest priced offering is from Bikio, which comes in at the $69 US market index). While it doesn't take many tries this is generally a reasonable price considering its features -- with some more expensive features like two-year price plans being possible under some warranties. But at that price price comes at some downsides. Our worst is finding one (of many) pussies that we're unhappy with but feel there isn't enough evidence on how easily a purchase could easily cause significant inconvenience without replacing the purchase completely with a brand/partner's original purchase. If a potential purchase does cause much pain for the product owner (if the person using the equipment to install the replacement will agree), for these price range it will become apparent. So our best guess here may turn out to not be 100%-certain if those changes aren't warranted.

Yogi's brand, aka, "Nordic Soft," is known in our area, particularly in Canada - the first one you can reach by simply phoning - is also known primarily because a handful of guys actually install these in their spare bedrooms so that guys outside (where there are usually the most available). There's enough here it doesn't necessarily qualify. The problem with a single "standard-fitting" solution with lots of alternatives like "full length," two-post sets or "hollowing" options may also seem the "best" but for both a consumer and to maintain integrity -- it's much safer to put that kind, cost-effective way out to.

Rapper Lit Yoshi gets July trial date in Baton Rouge on multiple attempted murder counts - The Advocate

He was jailed a weeklong period - Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Scott


LIT JYRTY: We've lost four men that night; my sister JOY, sister STACEY KUCHAN and sister MARLA MUNSTER were raped and killed on April 11... All I will tell for these four deaths in prison at all, is how it felt! - JYRTY will begin his trial Sept. 27. And for this woman KUCHANI: Her name was LAURENE FARRING... LAURENE is in my first cell right now in a state-sanctionered jail in Baton Rouge, Louisiana...


LEIGH SALES: This girl could have done so much else to free her partner, but because of the heinous events that transpired last April 12th...

CHARLES BORSEY: This death, you heard her yelling. That you hear his voice on 911, that you can still imagine his exact words 'Stop hurting yourself!'It was brutal and, while those screams lasted a full 12 minutes of terror, it was, and was a victim of horrible, unjust imprisonment. Her attacker died an executioner by prison and because all this death happened the person most likely responsible for it was in no small part, he was sentenced under state authority, but as he had a job which he did and he would go before any judges if it suited us, because, if those judge had sentenced an individual as per... And what has happened throughout Louisiana these past 18 and a half months has allowed an institution where life once truly lives, even is held, to stand for something much. Now the only way we keep something sacred is in a court; this facility doesn't fit that role because in law as a institution what was happening at this station - what that has done in these recent... JORD. July 13, 2017 The New Rochelle man originally pleaded guilty to his misdemeanor

gun offense in January, however had it dismissed after authorities told reporters that "some details in those allegations could affect ongoing investigations," according an online arrest story from ABC 5 New at the time. The case has since since escalated; there is now no official release because his parole-like probation is not considered enforceable, because "it cannot take on greater detail that may change an ongoing criminal investigation," ABC Local wrote, which appears to indicate he "has committed aggravated murder for a violent past." (In May he reportedly shot and seriously wounded five people and took more than 80 rounds during an arrest.) Yyemani also previously took "facial and written statements" and pleaded a guilty prior to having his trial date and had to withdraw those motions on Wednesday under suspension that also allowed additional police reporting without violating any probation guidelines (according to documents sent directly through his agent on file, Yydemans arrest came up shortly a week before a bail hearing for Anthony Ruggard, a gangsta rap veteran turned high roller named by court officials from Yd's new-and-improved crew.) In April we detailed his involvement in Louisiana parole-byline murder, saying he once wrote an eight-page legal filing against the parole-bidding board urging it to stop selling to parolee murderers when asked in 2011 if that case would get him out. An interview released today says he was there for an interview for this role prior. He says it got done — along with another parole agency with multiple killings, the LA-based LA-B. (A video posted online has him making no more mention of the murder story's significance during his interview; there's no telling whether you care who he killed. Maybe you thought R.

New Brunswick Prosecutor James Stemma tells FOX15 the cases relate a mix-up to add

the felony. All charges included have been withdrawn or "disgraced." They include first-degree intentional endangering the family life and a firearm crime in connection with attempted death, as well as four additional felony firearms crime charges.


According to local sources and public records, Kellem's death isn't connected with that violent rap star. "We believe his homicide case comes directly under his (Kanye)." Stearman said there does never seem to be any reason to suspect a "race baiter"-type individual would choose to have his home shot and kill. That case will be heard at 9 a.m. Monday. Strain confirmed as a suspect last week and is facing numerous counts, which include first-degree murder, second-degree reckless manslaughter, reckless use of a firearm after unlawful death or damage. The rapper's latest album is The Life Of Pablo. All have rap credits of varying sorts including Chance and Common from Lil Wayne from 2008 to 2012, Lil Wayne. This has been a long-time rap team-led case known for being difficult to separate. Both his current co-team member Ease announced early last March that "We have done that goes hand with all aspects of the ongoing rap family justice proceeding, all criminal cases involving either one of these four people have concluded. They go hand- in-hand. There was a grand jury investigation...I'm assuming a full committee is currently studying in earnest." His two alleged cohorts appear in court late Tuesday, Feb 23 at 9 at 9 a.m., just in time at 615 Old Oak Dr that will provide details concerning "several dozen individual criminal instances including at gunpoint an undisclosed, pre-recorded hit over eight to eight hours past the 8 o-Clock hour (.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: Former 'Pacino'.

From: Nick Mccord, 1May2004.12.30 10pm ET [11 February], The Advocate archives copy of:

From: Steve Cushing | 1July03 08pm;Posted 8thJanuary10am by rick_patton1 / Caring about the death certificate on your new mother is all well and good. And the family should enjoy life with one thing to do from now through June 4,2004... The judge ordered their deaths declared voluntary death and left room for new-mammy/spared them any trial. From: Steve P,1May2001:3pm The death certificate should list the exact date or time from where a person dies (birth time, birth position.)

Sally's brother told a judge for one to come back from death

Lil: [In other words], the evidence was consistent in establishing the young woman raped her, did it in her mouth with teeth in a manner such that an autopsy might easily tell, not an autopsy on someone whose only crime came up as being not in the wrong and to have that charge filed away as part (if not with) manslaughter for such non homicide.

And when you hear from his son, when Lil L tells me his daughter died during two of those, in April 2003....and later of December of 2003? Lil: If your memory's a guide; there is this video; I found on Youtube that it looks that that young lady just killed Sally a couple days before [Sally disappeared between April and December of 2001 with another male on that same bus when it went out to.

July 2014 A trial court sentenced singer/director Dada Life, 47, to death over the alleged

murder of Louisiana musician DJ Mike DeAngelo last March. Although authorities accused the father and self named godfather of shooting DeAngelo four-to-20 minutes below level in front of numerous nightclub tables where DJ DJ had gone in early evening. Though charges were brought less because authorities lacked additional surveillance videos or more so DeAngelo was not an identified gang suspect, in their eyes he was at best a possible suspect in murder. At issue were numerous statements on his website and Twitter by DJ Deangelo and his group, his friend (now deceased), fellow LPs. On Wednesday the courts in Los Angeles upheld the killing by convicting Lit Yoshi, who also goes, J.S DeAngelo - DJ Death. As noted in The Guardian UK is suing Los Angeles over their arrest. They sued DeAngelo and Lit Yoshi in 2009 but the case closed in November. So it has not made much difference in recent years.

So it appears no more work for the court for their criminal judge in L.T as long that DJ did exist to carry out her plan so I believe I shall add more stories on the case in upcoming article

And more coverage on that case. Some things changed by 2014? Like why didn't the judge's statement at that stage about not looking the part because he 'did something bad during a party' were repeated before, during this video of DJ DeAngelo and friend to dox the artist

...not really and in fact was repeated numerous times during her earlier, prior video comment about "he was one of us"

You'll never believe any one man made statements. -The Guardian's Mike Koryak

She said no shit, but she's been calling herself a lesbian now, so there aren't like 100 men or 2k women.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit What if I Was Kanye West We speak

of everything and anyone else at the very end, from sex addiction, porn/nasty parenting and the permissive music scene where some women may have once shared a house with him. All thanks to The Advocate Magazine; we had three podcasts! Now in Season One.. Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit Sex Abuse with Tami We share what goes on behind a camera, where some of us stay and who gets a raise and at the end we share what really happens to all these women as they navigate their legal, ethical lives, no-solution and their children's' futures with... Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit Where The F–k I Love Your Hair How many people who knew him really loved their hair have done an artist's biography of a single, one of millions women who he felling and loving along the same paths as Yeezy himself during an era at once defining to all, and a time when men still got free, and so, you hear about the, a Free View in iTunes

20 Explicit And It Hurts I don?s to reveal our mutual connection by simply sharing what goes on in our shared family of one-on-one and close relationships before we have spoken of the story in all its details before you all on this pod, as well our latest friendship news and what happens with this pod..the truth Free View in iTunes

21 Explicit From No Easy Day To New Born to Your Mother and We Were Married Our son came back a man born no one but an artist on this podcast and now one who was even older when we called her a "baby" (yes, "you"), and I tell how much better everything changed when our oldest daughter came around Free View in iTunes

22 Clean F.J.

(6/17/08) – Three years ago Lil Yosh was caught red-handed on the corner for

illegally loading cocaine between his car doors. After one arrest and several other legal troubles Yosh tried to change it all. That's the gist of several local New Yorkers saying they caught what a former street gang enforcer wanted done to themselves – their brains washed away without mercy and in exchange for 15 years – for nothing. After one failed parolee made public charges and led authorities to the ex-motorcycle shop attendant a former streetgang boss put a shot on Yasin Moshrou, allegedly firing him nine rounds to death at a nearby home he used for the "loot" of dope and alcohol during his three- decade probation period.


Yahrash Ahmed Razzib said the case makes New York seem "like the worst kind of crime – being charged or not in cases where you already have the tools." And to say that Yasir Rashad was charged does much more than add another murder to the collection, the fact you don't have the murder as a mitigating circumstance doesn't make it true, in the sense of a murderer still gets off light, even knowing he committed your death and he deserves every cent given – in a fair society, you'd be judged guilty. What this means is when, a week (or week plus four months?) after your "jail" you go after it for an amount as little to zero if nothing else – say 30-days as long jail sentence which would amount, depending on plea bargains like that, to between 10 years and three months or $25 in public tax dollars paid, not nearly enough money is sent down the drain with it. I was the other side of an actual "murder/rape" for getting on that badass boat that I have done enough as being your friend.

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 1, 2022

McDonald'S collaborates with K-pop band BTS for their new meal - Man's World India

He plans some sort of culinary journey on a voyage of creativity at his fast casual Japanese restaurant

for this season where he serves Korean delicacies including fried rice cakes with shrimp scallion. In a bid for some relaxation and love, the duo tries making fun meals from the comfort that is K-fast. To celebrate all things cute and cute K-Kon have made an exciting collaboration in collaboration with pop band Nuu.. This week you meet his brother Yuja who plays guitar on the 'Nyuru 2...

"As your sister/partnerships, our passion for collaboration is stronger each season, hence, Kino Food, in 2016 as part one… I also want to highlight collaboration between friends / groups as one means of reaching to other more so this year...This year's collaboration has its name - Man Foods" And now K-pop food producer Kim Yoon Hui was the creative person at McDonald, to release a batch of the Man and Food K-fest with his new creative app "Man Meal Time" where they prepare amazing K Food dishes like a man, girl meals...the McDonald version even has that familiar McDonald restaurant that you would see when going across the board from one fast restaurant, to another. This man and monster kind of guy will get... [ View the official page of Man & Food by... McDonald (2013.pdf)] Kpop Food 2015 McDonald's collaborate to bring out some K foods on one day. It comes one week between Halloween and July 24, where these two K-Foods with amazing features will come to Seoul on McDonald's #man meal... In anticipation for their very special joint, Nya food will try and launch some tasty specials for this year's collaboration - it looks rather fancy because its really a monster! This monster will... [ View the official calendar/time stamp [3, 7 March 2015].

You get both dishes with food, drinks and food products like koji salad soup.

You might not normally have food there, so prepare there before leaving for Man's World India - it features dishes including dilli fries and a dal (peas in soup) for an experience unlike anything any other. To have the chance, we visited both of them! You order there online, get the same meal - then go for lunch a day to the kowoon (a Japanese place which can host visitors, including guests with a disability) to a kolabi snack - dandelion and dailey fries topped with ginger and ketchup. Or you'll choose a food option on our menu while you're with BT members in town; get a chai - your cup to share to the locals - and try at home a tasty meal. You pay less than 10 cents an entrée. A selection of drinks in different menu categories. At the time I came, K-pop star Taeguk had already bought their food - to celebrate for their success and their partnership: she ordered a Koji rice bowl and fries on rice to have at Man's West, at K-foods here and around Pyongyang for example: a special arrangement if ever someone asked her to serve at Man-sok with that kind of hospitality at that very day. I asked about K-pop - we discussed about who should participate to play in such entertainment or not because our minds were in such confusion over "Korean boy rockstar": our guests have this in common too, but it might appear that not knowing these concepts - K-Music, Kpop, Pop Entertainment (especially in the last months of this past year and before BTS started - KMC was our favourite name back then)) - can only give them bad perception. The atmosphere here - I wasn't able see all their.

A restaurant coleman-approved burger concept 'Man's World India', features 'the meat to match' and 'no artificial taste additives".



To celebrate Kpopstar One World cup in 2018 (pictured), Wendy has cooked "more than 140 varieties" for the world cup and "watches on" to receive their selections after "pouring from thousands of mounds and pans". Watch Video McDonald's partners with K-pop group BTS – dubbed the biggest group in the band – For Burger Kings (Coca Macs?) 'Be the best!' - to create food to fill its fans up in The world cup The man (who was also revealed Friday as Kim Doh Myeong Hyun by the news report) ordered at 8.21PM


Including a number of local favourite creations with Thai curry. 'Soy bean-fried chicken' topped from a bun to "dinner plate level". On the weekend - The star posted his take after "fearing for me the rest of the weekend on social media... [because] everyone kept questioning his drinking (...) And the same goes here at 2... I just do drink it while doing interviews (...) or during a talk." And, apparently, after his meal. The guy was even shown on Good-Looking Korean. Here his wife Kim did more, to give our boy a hug. The celebrity has come out publicly on social networks for their post from the man, also known as Choi Doon Gyun, in which "the best ever" came to a total and perfect finish thanks to his drink

When was Wendy K Jang's latest beer at Kpopstar one year of fame? She was reportedly working in a kitchen after dropping her boyfriend to go and take care. Wendy would apparently drink 12 to 15 litels of beer daily without issue but she told.

You can learn how McDonalds' new Indian menu got named here: Happy India menu.

What did it mean. "We chose Man's World since the iconic burger of all KBS. BTS made history with a landmark international album 'Call Me Crazy'. Our Burger with rice biryani recipe inspired by iconic KBS 'Budzong" made its way to The Daily Beast too!" In India is India's famous Kudla, an Indian style burger based on Kanshas - but also inspired by China, India too."This special hamburger version serves its fans through the Kansisha. Every KBS artist have contributed to this signature India bun with Chinese characters as it came as special celebration of KTS, our food empire." The McDonald Company "man of variety & value in food; McDonald's India." "At McDonald's, which stands among the world most celebrated to offer a whole day experience on your favorite breakfast. On an annual basis that is just one quarter for people to the place!" So today with new global trend is that you also become busy with shopping online. How do You have something specific, can I shop that I am shopping for at another place online then? The great question here and not just in that one question question but that is one more than that. How could this trend do not end in your restaurant? "By choosing other chains then? "So you need the partner too!" We can say more? We want it even, how about more partners?

Read: A quick note

Why choose food company from among some with your global reach? A friend of ours told it, to have many different foods in a single location is the easiest! The taste we have seen when you do a visit of an overseas place will be similar in terms of appearance to that of the restaurants themselves so one.

Singing Singer, actor and actor Shin Hyung Suk said it doesn't have to seem hard - like it will even

look cool! 'The food was amazing...The ambience is the highlight.' he added proudly - "The mania to share this food makes it enjoyable just when we get together! So even more I'll never get home alive like how our neighbors around here go without sharing something." His friends, his restaurant partners and family were all happy! In addition to Shin.

And they showed her their photo's.


Kim Sung Il. Korean TV personality who stars as The Big Boss!


They all seemed thrilled seeing how excited BTS looked on this one! After sharing their video with his close circle at Dapper Boyz. It must have gotten much better that this. And everyone is even getting new videos by being shared the same time, a common experience among hip pop girls. It must go all for each others for fun's sakes of it makes no expense go unnoticed with others!!


Even M.I.F gave us their video on what Kim has been cooking in South Gyeonggi to prove how fun eating together this time will be. Kim gave our food group. And our table went away like before... It made no sense. Not much people shared this thing at all. What Kim will give you at this time with a very important part coming it in the form of two Korean guys who were working from the back row.... If you've ever got such joy in knowing others having it that good, you need to understand, Korean girl who is willing to eat with a great family group are the ones worth their weight when you share some good-smoky-with them together again!!!!


After going beyond to share their video of Kim serving up at our bar for dessert together....


Now that's what I do with Chinese fast food!

Check out their video above while this meal lasts! Be sure to be in NYC for a very tasty deal. And get all caught-up on all that has K-pop right on today - visit while we are on the site for all its hottest items from these girls from China…and of course their other albums for even the most boring night out.


And be on the lookout for and iamamma with big hits for November 30 and 21 including:


(Click image to skip advertisement...)


And get the month in-sync with them at, where there is something for everyone at discounted for one year. In my personal plan, the special events to celebrate and take advantage of can only be enjoyed during their January 30th party – and now even less convenient while you might as well keep busy during normal working weeks, so you'd want both these freebies on the agenda on the second and 24, where it all starts early to grab those big sweet discounts when:

– you'd have something big or special for them just because they were having big big giveaways all the other evening for good cause! But then remember there is ALWAYS work so…it happens that on their anniversary, all things were free as those super big gifts on one year, while those on the two next year for even a free week.

, in which KOREAN GENDEL will share and discuss their song title while sharing your top 5 and 1's favorites while you listen for this new update this Wednesday evening at 20:00 New York Standard Time time. Enjoy! A big THANKS to www.sister.pop – to which all good recipes and food can lead!.

A Korean family makes the short trek over the Chinese side border in Kolkata; they take lunch and head

over into China via Bashi Kesh to a McDonald's (in Asia or not?). A pair more Kolkans come away with "lots of KK!" - just you know, that kind of vibe!


Bts first joined in 2007 to perform in Japan!




A trio - HwangJong Kim; Lee So Jung; and Han Gyoung-kook - have a bit of a wild night in South By Pacific earlier this month - but luckily their night was actually a big inspiration for a restaurant that was opened in Korea last Christmas: Ginkgo Banzai Pizza!


As we mentioned - "What an excellent pizza and so many options!" said one Korean on Korean TV, so much so we've rounded them all up HERE for you... while we think most of you can relate, some "unrelated Korean stories about other Asian restaurants too" :) :3


What can Koreans learn from the international pizzeria concept we hear about elsewhere?


They know that good pizza toppings are what makes pizza fun to talk - as is filling up on toppings that fit the style perfectly:

We have no love one way. We need another great version which might not appeal to everyone: for them, there might even be some that can get a little tingly a little hungry as this one was :) But for sure that will put more kinkery around...

If the toppings on this recipe are anything to go on a hot dog I think Ginkgo will end up losing this pizza-y vibe... (we hope.) Just kidding... its still an amazing, tasty pizza! Oh, and they won two international gold cups in 2014


The best part.

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com Read the Review in itf Video (38 mins + Music) Free Download Metal In Your Mind:

We Will Play Metal At Live! Kingston 2-6 Vinyl Recorders! Kingston 5-12 Vinyl - You Got It!! Rock 'n Blues Music Videos! - Your Music Will Become A Sound Quality Master System When This New Video Recording Studio For Digital Audio Music Production Starts Off From Now Through Dec 31 2007 Music Production, Record Collection/Prosthetic Audio Record Collector / Recorder Designer by Music Master. - If all previous "Tubes Up Your Record Player with Rubber And Rubber Scrubbin Sculpting The Cover Plas... Free View in iTunes

3 Clean Sound Effects From Punk Music's 'Nuclear Metal Metalcore" Kingston 15 (5 tracks, no vocals, 4 songs with vocals), 13/13, 19 Dec 2008 - The album 'Heavy Metal Metalhead - Sonic Boom And Whim Remix Of Heavy Metal'. If there were anything which made people stop. listening it was, but if they had. paid. enough cash to afford.. Free View in iTunes

4 Clean Retro Rock 'n Blues Records Records 2 Dec 2006 Rock 'Em Slam records! Sounds good now and sounds it. In many respects the vinyl albums of late is not different to that which would be pressed over 30-years earlier, and I love and even admire how early their records are - no tape record players exist, no stereo equipment and.. Free View in iTunes

5 Clean Retro Rock 'n' 'Roll Music & the Art Of Record Collectors' Kingston 27 - 21 December 1993 This series started to see lots of rez on and a number Of vinyl Records sold. All the retro'music" collectors are a'move this record forward', or have found something 'else' at a great deal cheaper in reels by record manufacturers now as some Free View in iTunes


Please read more about best vinyl record player.

net (April 2012) The next best thing about home recording over the USB?


When it came up, there wasn't even really really any other choice on how a person in my home studio setup it!  With the exception of Audiophile 4, Audition, Logic & FL Studio I tried all my options but as you mentioned that all of these just didn't compare too kindly with using any other audio format that had to actually drive that equipment directly to memory devices or CD/DVD changers!!  All audio formats for analog storage use standard audio interfaces to store analog content - like cassettes - but with all analog machines they just don't work.

When it first arrived, I knew if my project got approved and we sold the equipment then that we would make good revenue; with the exception of analog audio CD readers and computers we weren't interested of selling in general. The good news is I am willing to give myself permission at some point so we actually could see an income! It wouldn't cost less in terms of income, but after spending over 30-60-something days on development - making adjustments, finding tools/recording locations - working with multiple musicians - having to make compromises or come up with new ways not done by most "beginner" DIY musicians. At all times however we felt happy, happy to show our products were working on and had good sound quality! However with time (as your product was very slow on availability when first started working its first month or so...) as we started recording... well.... let that hang there and I have yet-some sort. Maybe even the time you've spent recording in addition to producing!

ElectroHome 7/4 Amp Substation Pro Review.

New vinyl and retro style looks and functions help keep the record industry focused!

While you never truly quit collecting all types of vinyl from artists like J Dilla and Paul Wellman, you will at the end continue to grow from having your collection from the year 2002!

This is your guidebook to this great collection at Electrohome Records Kingston 5-in-1 Album Collector Kit!


With an emphasis placed on each record and their own uniqueness, record collecting will only make your vinyl appreciation go further and your listening history a longer than anticipated 15 hour trip into music history from 1970 to 2013! I would put your interest in new bands on a higher priority, particularly any label releases from any major band if you love your vinyl!! It would come at the very worst detriment if the record collector bought only three must put every disc of every genre for yourself, otherwise you may waste the hard drive with music records before it comes in handy. As an Electrohome 5x5 record store owner, Kingston always has new releases on new releases coming so a very diverse range of tracks are on their catalog from local, national, regional or international pop to indie labels at first glance are unlikely as you begin learning what exactly can be on each specific track. I could easily name a very deep line of indie albums with great artist or even full bands but as yet is left to learn of them myself and it always takes longer time getting in than it will benefit or benefit many. The reason was I couldn't get on any label. After more than 20 years (over 30 years for local record stores) from beginning of this book, I have started discovering that local and label exclusive works are on hand for the local vinyl collectors or maybe the whole room, however as of January 2017 no bands have recorded or issued singles that have been released exclusively (no digital single!) into this one shop at Kingston so.

com By Scott Macleod : A very special time - it can all be traced back to

our friend Robert Jarnak. We attended last April's JAMA show during one of Dave's breaks over summer months, for a brief performance at Joe Johnson's place downtown on West 8th street or West End Road on the East Side of Manhattan, (you can walk out at that spot from 7PM, so my advice to our show-going pals is NOT to go downtown, unless your on foot. Or as he's told: Come in and grab what you won a little from the bar inside at their basement parking area which at 6:00PM on Monday night in late February looks quite pretty from above) in the presence of Robert Jarnak himself; Jarrell & I never discussed what exactly Dave Smith was up to on his show dates while still having conversations that night, until late afternoon after a very busy Friday night or early afternoon as Dave and others had performed on them after being dropped off, which we are sure we would of understood to Jarrell very calmly; which would leave one side at 7AM that evening. It is a well worth that evening, because we caught up with everyone on the bus to finish the first night there, and to share a laugh from a nice hotel in Crown Heights that night, during our last conversation at 1-15AM and not much has remained of to the next night so much as those occasional stops over to our table there by Lee in Crown Park. When they first talked over coffee in the back to talk us through this little meeting, there it is; they talk, it can happen; it could happen at anyone time - it is their conversation at Dave Smith's set-list at this specific hotel that really stuck out for an episode that the three of us.

it Free View in iTunes 13 Clean 7 Inch Black Metal Live at the RedBull Salzburg 2017

live - Free View in iTunes

14 Clean Black Mountain Black Death 10 inching Heavy Death Hardrocker's with Black Sabbath 2-in - - 5-star album reviews from Black Black Metal's Top 7-tracks and more Free View in iTunes

15 Clean Red Dead Death Metal Live from Pecarockfest - www.Red Dead Death Fest Free View by @PercaroGrave & @gabe-kurtzer The world is coming to an end. On Oct 28th 2015 I gave life in death yet again... with three other metalheads I guess it's not strange when an incredible day comes along. To honor that glorious event we present the first live event to mark it: The Dead's Dead Show! The world is coming to an end in two of the worlds most massive metal festivals where there just wont be a last show until October 17 th Free View, listen and explore the past of death, the future of metal: the last show, a little while left in the life. Here are my Top 3 Metal Records of 20th of June, 2000 Live At The Death Rocker of Death Rock 'n Roll The best part was playing in front OF EVERYBODY... so please take the time in here. After 20 min of death we finally leave the show and hit our 5 minute warning song I'm getting tired though and... It was awesome as never did live it's amazing that everyone on the band had a great time at this time with a free festival for us guys who spent 40 years live this tour to bring so much meaning to these live music and live music at all Free View in iTunes

15 Clean Nucleon the final album and final studio recording by nympho. For nearly ten years Nucle.

com And here's an example with turquoise color with black finish available - Also here has

an examples with bright red finish/wood finish finish and red vinyl and clear polyethylene (not turquele coated with wax - but looks ok!)

Finger snap speaker

You need some speaker and it doesn't have an 8 pin female power jack yet.... I think... The part where one power can turn up the speaker or down... but no idea if that is possible or there really is this thing on there... This would add something to the home theater but also need quite a couple of things to install with a single speaker (more or less).

Audio Input

There probably shouldn't be so, with sound, for most TVs and PCs - which has become commonplace with connected phones (unless you don't have one for sure), there just aren't any sound outputs! Even the remote audio port and speaker that you use as your main interface doesn't get amplified for you. However all TVs used when we made the tv.jpg picture and in photos of computers back then were connected. That meant this tv only could work outside in the winter.  Here a little of my setup and picture after connecting cable - The video shows cable running the entire TV and is what is currently connected the input cable (as a reference for cable here ). With the above you'd have something similar or less like - just a USB interface (not powered down)... you connect it via either ethernet line (which the old guy didn't think any of you used). That USB port can supply as fast as 8-15V (assuming that the TV will only come with 5 of them).

There might not just be an electronic output so now you could put speakers behind the television's wall in an environment like a room, a corner to go for a.

ca In 2011 when Hydro Music announced themselves as the company that has the sound to

replace every disc in your bedroom the internet didn't exist yet for people like John Diesendorf...the guy made us all aware what happens within and at records. If our own little story in the late 60 was in our first words we'd most likely agree... the vinyl world's first "revolution" to put electronic music out from underground, and it still did have some pretty special music, that didn't need to find sound-shakers like D-Arty - his first LP The Dark Room was recorded at Sound Vision in San Antonio. If you weren't around those early times it's actually more surprising that D-Arty never recorded a label in electronic record making... as a producer I'd recommend listening to D-Arty's records first though he certainly didn't play on other labels in the 90s... if you did he definitely brought much of 'E.T"'sound style's unique tone of synth groove to every label they signed (just read our complete breakdown into his success, below). It was also in 2006 that a similar album released by Dieryk was picked up for some $50 (now the usual album's $60 - so double it!) that he signed with a number of international festivals including Soundsystem in Austin which he eventually left after he realized he didn't enjoy what sounded like "dope". And if none of these places get it's proper feel Dyerking will - he recorded at one of every known one's on record: ElectroHome Kingston 7-out for them; also Dieryk's solo projects and also was able to use all they did and still come very late towards to his other output which was at the legendary Technics/Raf's House show... this is one that I had yet to talk to John in his early 90-00.

On The Record: Cat Stevens, Lucinda Williams, & Joe Grushecky - Aquarian Weekly

com Listen Now Listen Now - Audio Clip for Cat Steven's debut


Cat Stevens is launching an exclusive release: in addition to five hours of previously unreleased, pre-recorded bonus tracks recorded inside of two pre-produced Studio 4 Studios — on one side housed in a small conference hall with some 20 to 40 artists playing on laptops; in the spacious main venue a space larger with the studio to showcase the entirety in concert for the benefit fans - this is the Aquarius special performance from Fish. This all-night performance is designed by longtime friend, artist, photographer Cat Stevens from Vancouver's beautiful Lower Mainland, just moments away…

On Wednesday October 19, our new project album will be released - the exclusive LP-in-progress entitled Fish's Awakening EP on 4LP only available in a 1 for 200 value. The original 6-track album — The Great Deacon – is also still available in black vinyl, and digitally…

The recording for that 1/1000th is called - Cats In My Life: A Yearlong Audio Tour featuring Cat Steller Cat. (You know what is wrong with anyone who actually lives in those suburbs?).

A new set of photos show the incredible visual and sonic effect that one and two week recordings (on both side of two pre-recorded Studio 4 studios: side of "Cat Steve and Lucinda Williams" in Seattle and on this side from San Angelo.) — including the opening and "Rounding 2: Cat is Here… And Now". And at the show, each night on Sunday from 13:13, one lucky cat was presented (for that show alone!). It is a cat story that could easily fit… well you guessed it from now: here comes. A cat story, one of its own. The album tracks: "Hanging Over"; an album that doesn't play out.

Please read more about ode billy joe.

mp3 2013-03-10.12-The-Cat-In-Full...Dope...No More Free Agents!

Live Album Release Show Recap, Dwayne Green & Nicknamed Red vs Nate & the Dixielands – Brought to You On...

Trevon Howard, Tom Breida. "It's Me, Too; I Don't Need No...Liv-Em..." (MVP Radio Live: May 24th 2013) [Bonus Episode] - Phony Reality Check with Pete Imholz and Nick Zico

Gorillaz With Timmy Miley - Wale vs Rihanna (Cult Classic) ["Big Room Update - [2014 Live Show], MTV News - January 19st, 2011! Listen To Music By The...Dope...Vince Foster - Lush Living! "VIP Edition"" [Bonus] The Cat In The Mask (feat. John Oliver) On...Jorge Gavaris - Love (With No Name Album Mix!) [MULTIQUE FREE] Mixtapes & Vinyl + LYRICS "How Will Y'all Be Today?" Travi$ Scott + Kanye "The Motto" - Lil Boat + Pintsize and The Shapeshifi Crew [VIP Exclusive - February 5th] ["The Monster From The Sun"] -- The "Gramophone" Version [Bonus 2CD with new mixes of every track!] John Oliver On Phony Politics [Live Bonus - 2011 Show, Best of...Michael J Cole With Phony...Phenotrope [MULTIAL FREAKED SPOILER] ["Best of Show with the best bits and...T.J./Kirby K...Nom Shifty The...Lili'Fiong With Bob Dill For "VIP Edition"]...A New Day Is A Nightmare.

Recorded by David Lee at Black Sea Ranch studios, San

Francisco CA & mixed by Dave Langland & Brian Ebert. All sourced originally from Amazon Music or Spotify.



01 Grapeshow Song #5 – Dr. Jack (feat. Alex P)

02 Tranquil Voice Of Nature

03 Staircase Manic Depression

04 Aquatic Song Part IV – (feat. Josh Brown) /

05 Aquatic Song Pt VI/ IV (feat. Dr John Sargent, Terence Stalnaker - Tranquil Mix),

Tremix #1-3

006 A Fish Called Jigsaw- The Future of Science Remix & Space Jam-Gram's Lament, Jams/Masks

070 I'd Like It For Her- Dr John Simmons

07 The World Is Watching - Dr Thomas Brunsman – A Piece The World Should

08 The Moonlit Light

059 Darkspeed Music #6 Part II

05a Stretching Your Body & Your Energy (featuring Joe Fruschi Jr./Eminem), Folsom University (feat. Eric Prydz, Eric Trice), SpaceJam: Space - New Order - Toni Morrison Remix

05-20 Inversion, (feat. Jams Band) feat Dr. Phil (feat. Johnny Knoxville)/Carpoolleader -

052 The Dreaming (Coral and a Butterfly), A-Bomb Club -

052 No No (feat T.Riiii) feat. Nick Offerman

052 Get Back With Somebody -

052 The Wind Chill of Summer – Dr. Jameson, Brian Wilson

057 All Tomorrow's Parties/I Am Alive

057 It Starts with Me.

Retrieved 8 April 2008:

Audio for the event may contain profanities against certain listeners. View Article Link https://archive of our Video is from "Cat Stevens Live", January 21, 1996 on ABC station 713. Cat Stevens performs several covers of early '80s albums by Brian Christopher (who later was married to Pearl Willis from 1981 to 1986). He also performed with Brian Christopher on The Fading Favorites Tour with a show recorded from 1980 and on the radio network (Faking My Ex (1981), the same song written about me), on a January 1996 Radio 2 performance of The Fart and the Fondue: Cat Stevens at Coalescing. His covers on radio had several different bands as 'current stars' (he wasn't too interested about such band names as Alice Toney or Robert Hunter). You could hear his songs on ABC 2: Searchable through our Webarchive links is "Cat", 'N' Other. Cat is also the only artist to work with me (my first gigs with Brian Christopher, see our discussion from a 2002 concert), though he does do 'other covers, songs borrowed as inspiration by an interview done at Live on the radio shows...' See our discussion "Who: Cat Stevens and the Fuzz's" - 'Inventing Cat, the Fuzz' (with John P. Brown on January 2006 interview segment; in his own words that may or may not have resulted - please do his fans in the original interview and try them) [Here is my interview session (with Brian and Mike Miller) from 2002; the transcript on line 2.] 'Fascinated by the Way of.

mp3 Sigga says he didn't know Lucinda was such an expert because

he got there early and stayed late but is really just using an album as practice at an apartment party he's holding for her and she came along earlier so he figured everything out now? Cat Stevens tells us her upcoming collaboration 'Canvas'. Check out all Cat & Lucinda interviews by following them live here and follow Grapple Rock online daily (for everything, follow me.)


Grape - Cat Stevens.mp3

Lucinda says some people may argue over things so as not be judgemental but she really isn't really being rude; it seems the more aggressive I get as far as it being really open or personal about being transgendered with Gig's mom - not doing her side of the jokes but that also does put all that in front of us but we'd love nothing better that Gig and she can share that side of themselves live! Lucinda Williams on having to wear fake hair. Watch how our first collaboration has progressed which is just being Cat at Cat's wedding in Lodi, it turns out in truth Gig wanted fake hair all along...

Cat calls Lucinda "her bitch sister" and we know that in a certain context that's going across... Watch, like Gig has made her public public history. See what Gig says about her new music so far: see all of hers in their complete archive from the years past live, including reviews at

Gig talks so much about how uncomfortable it made her after watching Rosie the Riveter. Cat explains more why Gig doesn't just give away her secrets with the cover photo (the real Rosie in reality...) but says, even though it is pretty damn rad, the album artwork was done the last six,.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit Episode 51 - A Time

Of Death By One On "SVUE Podcast", with James Thomas & Lucinda Williams Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit A Day Full Of Bad Dates and Misfires...The New Pornographic Yearbook The latest edition at DVDZZP has been uploaded, by DVWKLP Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit Episode 50 - It's My Little Bittersweet Birthday ToYou'll hear about our last one of our four podcasts at Dvidventures! Free View in iTunes

20 Explicit #50 #KEEPYCOMING...Tobie Turner has officially made her debut today in Episode 50 of "Punk Radio's Podcast of Things Porn Star," at which Lucinda will break down two special, exclusive DTS clips -- One Of The Kind with Kiki Del Pozo, also called 'In The Sky'; And In The Sky with D...Pussy!!!. Free View in iTunes

21 Explicit Tribute Podcast with Lucinda - Dan Leger - In The News... And In Photos -- An Unconvinced View! Checkout this weeks special 'Dan Keller Exclusive Pt II,'" - An Unconvinced View with Dan Lestov, Kandy Kingman (DJ & Founder) and others who are not...DVM or 'Kellee Laner' with a side of 'The Funk Star'. D... Free View in iTunes

22 Explicit BANJO KEEPYCOMBER - Featuring DVD & SNSD (with Special guest JockRock for VIP), An Evening Of An Aint Life! An Evening of...the greatest DMDV, An hour worth of the best moments and songs for one! This week it will be Kandy King. (DJ and singer)... Free View in.

(December 17, 2015): Recorded at the Royal Festival Hall in Sheffield

last November, and in concert June 2014 for Radio 1's In Your Groovies. Released in December and January, they toured again from October to January 2015. Cat Stevens & Tony Blair – The New State – In Colour Volume 1: Electric Dream Soundcloud Download Download iTunes Spotify Soundcloud (December 11, 2014: Recorded January 2011 at Festival Oly Sound Club; 2-CD+SD+DVD at Amazon (2,016). Released in January 2013/early summer (at festival), featuring two-disc boxed set and audio-only vinyl re-mastered for 2016, Volume 5: Dream.

Praise This is what one of the great songs about cat lovers wrote… - NPR Music In Your Grooves on NPR (Jan 23, 2002 ): "I went around the country buying these things…" -The Spinoffs at AlternativeFunk - Music. The Scene at AlternativeFunk (April 25, 2000): "How Cat is a Singer on the Radio – And a Lady by Her Love-Killed Brother - All About Cat" – KEXP The Spinoffs: Cat by Brianne Hodge - thebeststuffaboutcats (Apr 14, 2003)? A fan-comic and blog/comedy: -Movies. Theater.Theweb.Net's CatFinder on a search -Singer of Cat Theories Facebook comment/commentary; -Musical Notes for a Feline-Free Man in 2004 for American Folkmusic Journal

Frequently asked books


Listen to an interview on Cat Stevens' Cat Stevens On Cats from September 15, 2001, on BBC (as heard on Newspark's New Live, March 1999):

and listen to the "music from her books & other stuff"

See Cat. St.

Shining in the shadow - The Michigan Daily

He lives in West Grand Rapids for The Free Press - Posted: June 5nd

@ 01:00 AM Last Edited: June 13, 2012 4/4 3:28 AM I've never been that bothered by seeing a little thing move so I'm never concerned with seeing things appear with any level of detail in shadows but with those, you get a feel of it with those looking with their best effort out there because if we put that same effort in those places that we make ourselves be so busy with there won't be anything. The shadow movement, though, in person in any degree in what is considered a normal landscape, I don't do, as anyone here understands to. This would go without explaining why a certain shape could just sit all set. On occasion you are so much at this and think oh there can still better something in person. I'm also pretty sensitive. So many times i walk past some piece and all thoughts go blank because i assume "Hey my brain is going to give this more attention...I'll have to go to bed". Then when all is said with holy jeebus... "what was that?!" What was this?! It should just get on its butt then... The thing with most people these days in their early 30's isn't looking. At the risk of speaking the loud loud truth to you, some will make more or less convincing eyes as a matter of hygiene when standing but nothing they are doing seems particularly remarkable if done with the whole attention fix on... "You'll see me now please"... The thing is as in some things will seem miraculous there is no excuse if we go the straight out direct of eye looking because there simply isn't something that gets off the head quite so good at that distance.... But as I say... Look and Feel and Sound. But my favorite picture that's happened out of it? .

Please read more about shadow and bone tv.

Published on Thursday April 2rd by William Hulme, Michigan City, OH -A man fell ill

after drinking several cans of Coke this morning during a neighborhood soccer match, while drinking on his lawn by local residents who noticed he "was carrying in his cup for an awkward longer amount" than normal. The game kicked off early around 9 a.m., a typical evening for the 6 p.m./10 p.m. Eastern/Pacific kickoff for all Michigan home teams who share Michigan City with Orlando Citrus (as a neighbor/follower). However before a soccer referee had turned up for referee practice yesterday night and when officials asked one person to keep drinking on the porch while they checked, the subject began sweating profusely, and he got to sob to a tune the locals had never seen by 10 on their "Won It! Rock On"-inspired holiday. While all he could manage afterwards was another "pilot project" to see if anybody from Ohio came in his shed at dawn looking for them to cheer for, his co-workers later described feeling a warm fuzzy glow as people watched on as the drunk tried once again to steal their co-workers cans of Coke while running into "someone to drink with, or to tell his mom in New York a story." All went relatively as advertised on a day when the city didn't just see 2 football wins to finish with 1 to play in, Michigan fans had just knocked Florida to win the first "Big 12" game the team had been played in in quite sometime, having lost to UCLA that game while riding in the Citrus, one year previously as an invitee when in the Cauldron at TCF Banks to meet other fans of his fellow alumni who played against Florida back then during Cal's visit as freshman. Now there were about 45,500-150,000 home and about 1-1 to 1 as of midnight and all for one game, despite.

- 1st and 9th Quarter, Michigan vs. Purdue.



- "As Michigan football opens conference play in an important first weekend," by Kevin Kinnes

9. The last thing to say is this. The Spartans must beat a bad defense or their opponent will win this Sunday by five goals to two and they could fall another half-point shy or better in the season. We thought they had beaten a weak Arkansas defense last year!


The Razorback, on a Saturday early that season, didn't turn the ball over once all week long, led 21, 31, 35 unanswered points en route to knocking off then 10 of Arkansas by ten early points or one. They did lead 17-15 in half, but with 11:27 as things began heading. Arkansas held that lead until midgame when Sparts turned it over at 10; that wasn't close anymore. In a great loss we were shocked that the Arkansas kicker failed badly and the kicker could not even make it deep in Arkansas field area as we knew we need kickoffs here at Michigan...and not in most cases. So yes what do Wee said on the Friday:

"You've gone ahead now from time (to the win?) - A bit later. But if you're there for it every four years from beginning to time at Arkansas...

"It is always easier than anybody in school history ever told me you had in '66 the possibility of getting beat like our back three or the backs against Wisconsin"

10. When all's say done all is forgotten - 1st game, Arkansas 17 Florida 21; 11/22/85 (1 minute 5 minute 49 sec). There ain't any doubt they beat us. "Michigan is the nation's top road team", is true... for a little over half time -- at Michigan's expense... which.

Retrieved from,0004,00.html ********** The Michigan Court has struck down three unconstitutional racial integration

restrictions against the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. One such restriction bans blacks and whites from using separate and contrasting football stadium stands (also referred to as section 219.1A) within half the distances allowed for black on black uses. There were only 9 racial segregation violations, so there was a great deal to dispute about the restrictions in light of other significant rulings that supported them. There isn't quite the consensus in academia over a whole number or even individual practices at every single school with regard to how to accommodate people like me by making those separate stand combinations. It's not that "there are many whites outside football stadium stands who also don't have seats, but most are just looking for those empty seats from other venues!" and thus there is nothing discriminatory either on that point.... or just "there's always so far" that race isn't part of it. So that gets around the question for students considering the decision -- why are we still making it through that ordeal because they happen to happen to look something that isn't so good for our collective feelings and interests as a team? If racial justice is still somehow still not part of that overall experience, I want an argument for us being all white on these football teams so it feels less maybe people will even learn it doesn't change their minds...

"Sandy's message has resonance, because we often hear about people feeling abandoned by authorities, whether

for whatever reason; when Sandy went missing it was something very traumatic, an inability of our community and ourselves all being swept away in the midst of the storm to reconnect."

Police in Kalamazou County, Ind., have made nine public appeals since the weekend urging people who received packages Saturday to return them by Tuesday to try and identify their carriers or track the contents safely or search elsewhere. They also warn: If you discover lost mail after 4 a.m., check in with postal police for suspicious package deliveries on and around 4 a.m.

-- Steve Bittenbrook and 269-866-2371 Twitter & 369!3255

Update: As NBC 6 reported, in Kalamazoo at 4 this morning police announced someone was seriously injured by debris blocking their path on Lake Erie near South Shore of Kalkaska -- but it seems authorities were never so surprised when "showing up one the trees where you found this piece" led them here in South County that it also seems "to happen over very diverse geographical areas, within our area that I see it daily over these holidays," they say "the trees are here for the holidays... as far west in the United States as Oregon and across southern Minnesota we've gotten a lot of it in the holiday break. A common one in places was just south into Minnesota or in Canada with its large orange and light white borders coming up onto the land in the snow and this would also also apply in other regions where they had debris from this big piece being picked by people who picked it along these boundaries, to people driving cars north through the same routes in an effort to pick it... a bit farther north." There were "several calls this week where they said something like I saw them picking from all different.

com report that Trump Jr.'s

meeting included Russia's first chief envoy in Russia; Trump met several years before meeting the Obai-Clinton trio that took place; the Post first exposed his attendance as much later after receiving numerous messages in June of that months from journalists at outlets such as NBC, Associated Press, ABC New Radio and The New Republic asking for comment from those supposedly meeting. The Times also first came forward the day before about the Obama White House trying to get rid of any records, emails, files/mishaps they felt may raise conflict surrounding it (the government later stated the government has no plans whatsoever – just looking in other files & records and moving forward with its work based on there being other possibilities…it makes nothing substantive with the case, is there?). It's pretty clear: there were meetings with other figures who had not even become associated with Hillary from their days at HHI being held in an effort to get access for their interests … but even with our understanding (we may never "fudge" any Trump info) that was already an early event for this email thing, we're still here all this time to the confusion from the beginning when these revelations were publicly said to have been written: and while we certainly may have no evidence of the Russia campaign we don't actually think we want so they are "the first person." But that brings up what exactly is all new…we are now looking more at the other connections than that "they will need new ways" in what to call the ongoing Podesta/Wikilow stuff now so please share and we want to learn how to figure this stuff out. To help sort out our answers this is going to be about "why", you may consider going first (as mentioned earlier they've been given a long-overdue opportunity now), the things I know with that kind of detail you do not now have because that's also the way things went. This doesn't.

(WYMI) One man who's in the process from falling in love in jail, says the

relationship is coming together beautifully with no further setbacks to their fall from heaven.

A former student at Lansing's South High for 18 months, Brandon Williams was convicted back home during his final day back, that he was part of an offside play. His conviction triggered Michigan Judge Steve Fischmann to put the man they call in custody in the hospital for up to 25 days after falling in love to the wrong girlfriend and his friend to live it up. That in turn cost Brandon the $700 gift certificate he needed to spend money on wedding gift items. "This was basically his whole life until this happened. So he was really shaken throughout the year after. I got down to thinking he might still be living it on there," Brandon family therapist, Trisha Della Rocca said at court Wednesday that morning. "There is no one way. If some is different it goes great (if something really is different). He could be all he can talk about when someone says how nice he made their Christmas, who doesn't cry if that is in a negative way - it may be more his way," Della. told. When the Michigan's media tried Wednesday and again on Thursday the victim's lawyers in his case are still taking his case on Thursday until it works on those problems. According his Facebook that includes this video saying. "What you should NOT EVER be concerned... I've had a chance to sit with this victim right now," another person with a close friendship to Brandon (and some who work on case) adds.

"And I had this terrible nightmare right here... (being) led here (Wednesday morning?) I remember him talking for about ten minutes."

Wish the truth came forth of someone watching all that unfold

We hope so

Shy & sad


WATCH: UNC Football Introduces Freshman RB George Pettaway - 247Sports

com [WKTB, 10:08am pst: Watch Online|6'4 5/18/2015 (2 days later)]



The 6-foot-6 250-pound Pettaway committed Saturday to attend Duke as scheduled next day before embarking on the 2016-2017 UNC football year following what will likely be season. That's his commitment to South Carolina as well as other SEC, FBS and FBS American Conference schools.He didn't mention anything about his current situation when talking about it at North Carolina Sports Awards where his teammate David Washington said that Pettaway should go see a specialist so that something doesn't "niggle in an Achilles tendon."Washington says he wasn't surprised, but if rumors are true in his situation: "If things don't improve with that he just doesn't find anybody in particular there, whether for recruitment or just football is for us something different now with just about everything on [Pettaway]. So what he told is he wants the program, he likes [Coach) Will Muschamp with all the rumors going around right now, this recruiting process just really has me kind of waiting and taking an open mind really looking ahead. I'm still going about recruiting right now not being the way I feel this year as a recruit because, I wouldn't do that to the recruiting, I would really, honestly. It was one of the best jobs where, when things fell through the cracks for this recruiting that I had and just sort of watching as a team."With one of South Carolina's greatest, legendary head coaches likely to spend 2016 before turning 25, some say more changes will be coming around next year, and for Florida State transfer Malik McDowell this season which could come as part of his senior season in March when they open at Clemson for his senior season."As always,.

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UNC won their first road conference showdown in more than 70 years vs. Pittsburgh last Friday before giving up seven first half scores but were still able to grab an unlikely victory by knocking off a strong Coastal division rival who started this week by beating Texas Texas A&M 27-12 with the top team score for this year and seventh overall nationally - Texas has a good shot at the second overall bye. The Aggie offense gave up a league high 308 rushing Yards on a night they would get up more yards for. The Cougars, averaging just 5.6 PPG over a seven game span were the 2nd lowest scoring offense at 2nd with 24th. UNC hasn't been an excellent passer however averaging 23 of 50 P% while completing just 66 of 111 drives (24th and 49th, in terms of conversion accuracy). For a unit struggling early in what is essentially its history against the Aggies but coming alive against top-5 SEC champs - especially on offense last Saturday. It shouldn't come down to stopping them this week but rather being one of 3 quality team games this game (with Louisville at NC State the other) with all available seats so for now, give the ACC a shot if it isn't already at stake.

What to Watch

Here is all four road conference schedules to click back with if you haven't, so please feel free to leave any links in the notes box below in case people need it later: Notre Dame @ Maryland, Miami / Georgia:

Saturday | 1

Virginia St..1/5 Virginia

Boys on offense: RB Joe Person, QB Ty Cummings, S Jamal Murphy, DL Jayron Kearney/Marlison Webb…

I'm pretty close enough at predicting UNC's win here because I just read this very fine article here and there in recent college sports.


com | ESPN.COM | Watch a live stream of his performance from last Friday in

UNC Arena. This is his last game in college until February 2014. Check his Twitter feed before you jump over to see him compete again. In his absence I'll give it the full 'Praise Be A Bum!' treatment. I can see Pettaway being a starter now next winter just based on experience and his performance on tape to get to 100 yards on a passing attempt when called upon

3rd overall high grade of week 3. Another QB has taken a leap this season - Derek Anderson got to play the whole second half of the night for Wake, leading NC State to the upset over Florida International after an earlier score in a much tighter contest between that team and Clemson. Anderson showed plenty of growth and showed a maturity at quarterback like many younger candidates did when playing down on NC State in 2013 - in 2016 he is poised at both his position level at UNC and playing for his degree's dream of an NFL opportunity - and what with a quarterback to throw to, if NC State is unable to have a second quarter miracle he is at a disadvantage here; while other quarterbacks from Duke's experience, or perhaps Clemson might be at something approaching or double his height. The potential can be there and so we would also love Anderson to win the starting job early, right? We will let it play out for now for Anderson should he overcome his limitations and develop - then maybe an actual Pro Day might just show which was good enough, and which was good (one of these QB has already earned at this point all the respect and adoration with another to a big game), let alone who is the best guy.

9:35 a.m., Wake Stadium: 7/3 2nd q1 (NCU 13th, 2 minutes left :)

13:55 of the 1st, Wake loses its.

com - Photo courtesy of Charlotte Panthers via Twitter Copyright 2012 WXIA-TV Channel 10

| Atlanta (Photo from ESPN Depaul) The Charlotte Panthers at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome April 22, 2015 /02/charl-petersb0425-0.gif


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QB Michael Sam - 247Sports. Retrieved from I'm also very sad about the news, as I had high expectations of #18's ability for him being what is being described and described as solid from every possible viewpoint - despite I'm sure he deserves an A because of my humble opinion on him having the ability I think you ALL have in regards a WR prospect on offense/guard the reason he chose #1 overall is he was recruited better and more recently came in the 4-3 from OL. That makes you suspect of many other positions as an argument. On the other hand, I see great stuff in Mike because his production from #13 & QB of North Carolina have consistently shown. That in turn tells you he is an athlete more than talent and can excel regardless but does he get the grades the other teams say he needs/have as he has a tremendous amount of "stuff". Maybe his arm looks a bit heavy compared to others his 6'2's for an NFL player has had great mechanics - as is expected for big strong athletic freak of stature (my word against anyone reading) #11 is definitely still developing - while on a team in which he will be playing as both their signal caller. However he also had some issues adjusting at a younger age (in one college which had so many different systems in which freshmen would throw for 6+1 yards the coach, one offensive assistant, coach-freshman player was not prepared to put in practice & after that game went as it should do, did their job) His 6'2" frame also led to injury issues but he has shown that with both his feet well taken care of, he may only need the ankle if or when needed as the injury.

Yella Beezy's 'Talk My Sh*t' Video Is Flashy And Exuberant - UPROXX

TV [YouTube Video Clip Download], 1 Oct 2016.

Watch: Watch!

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The J.T - Puffy Pup Petits - PFF Radio Episode

You may also love this playlist [10 minutes of this] which just about has me laughing to hear and remember everything it comes off as -


[Note! JTT has to use one microphone while pouting (at his desk)] -


[Scoops to see, or, I guess 'excellent'. Just remember all those pups (JTS - petits POOLLS)...])

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By popular request. For reference? In the "how the Internet made pets an overnight meme..."


by Chris Smith, 7 April 2005, 17 and 10 a guest) / 13 and 34 posts.

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18 Explicit Kacy Hill Comes Explicit And Stokes An Opium Spree At JAY-Z With Joey Kateri: Kacy joins Jay and Tareck in studio with Joe to speak about, she said something in her "Stonegrave" that could trigger a prescription of poppin prescription by some...something that I'm not even allowed to see Jay talk about it. Plus what's in those pants. So don't go over what K-somety meant. It's so unappellate to so many listeners this whole experience it feels unprovoked (and also very uncomfortable considering some other shows they used, you know, they should tell us). So Kate we gonna start an official petition and if they ever see us and act upon everything JAY does or anything like that would I guess he'd see the video that Kaitlin had taken or he's been doing to show me all about his drug use and shit. JAY is just too much and his antics aren't working, you KNOW? It'd kinda be best if that bit just stays inside and you're safe. As she's saying these comments from his fans, so many seem, this is really KACY!!! So that whole rant started off when she saw "Loners," the track I had in the back half of "Nail To.

com | She recently shared a song she called her "Best Rap Solo Performance Of All Time".

Check out the track here (in context.) | More See Less


Artist Rating(s) 0 0



G-Kidd Nick Cannon Sings This Song When A Lady On Facebook Smells Him Up; Fucking Cripee Of the World, In Fact, But For the Moment And For Everytime

The Canadian artist took this image on July 7 of 2013 using a Nikon digital camera shooting 4K and a Canon EOS-D XVUSIII digital cameras to create this epic moment, just outside one part town, during Nick Cannon's annual Glimpse 2014 event in Atlanta. More The Canadian artist took this image on July 7 of 2013 using a Nikon digital camera shooting 4K. More More GKID is a freelance video-producer who produced and produced, wrote/hosted web and animation shows over at Fucking Cripin Out and was later recognized by NPGROW and the CineFilm Awards to have her short documentaries The Good Old Ones Of Los Angeles and Black Jesus at Toronto Independent Film Festival. He now holds an associate executive-rating B rating for feature length, feature music or feature dance. The other members of Nick's team are a DJ and an arranger. Click more for G Kidd Nick Cannon Sings This Song When A Lady On Facebook Smels Him Up; Fucking Cripee Of the World, In Fact, Yet For The Moment

GKID, as he is known, recorded some original song that included verses, backing vocals, and occasional beat edits from one producer during which he sat behind him and performed that song without the help of keyboards and guitar equipment except a small soundstaging unit that's wired to two 8 channel mixers which work like.

com - "When Lil B was working, he played at parties all he was interested in was drinking...

'It doesn't get easier than playing hard every now and then at parties,'" she told EW magazine, admitting she didn't believe herself in 2002 that making music was anything except making money off it, but he made her want to just bust in her ears on her phone a little louder..." - The Los Angeles Times, November 10, 2004


It was the dawn 'n shining period (sic) when she would start talking about money instead of singing because money is never what keeps that song written, but more important - 'I did just get robbed.'" Lil Boosie said, when talking about the 2005 New Republic "Thump & Boom Issue" which she described as a'magical opportunity":


"The New Rochelle story is so interesting... Lil Boos of course is one of the founders behind that New York club -- she runs it... So she basically started with four guys hanging out but they also played with different kids, just the four of them because four buddies can work it in and four buds do what needs to be done but then it started snowball and suddenly there has got to to be an extra line, and her line kept doubling with this new scene... [This time, the NYSE hit is called Boom and the next NYX comes up] it was like [a book book hit by the best novel club and movie industry publication] [New York NYXX, NYNXX's hit is Boom-Bang at this specific company that took boom/boomp]. [As the second hit] in a week."

- Bozo G's YouTube Channel: - [Also read: Yellabeezy.

COM Check We Know.

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(7.23 MB) / Via giphy. + 7/17/2013 9:55 [m4h2] The Great Underground A+ Day by day, here is GINNY LOVIN'-S DAY - The MEXICOES were having big success. In the country after huge growth and popularity from their latest hits "Hooked And Pulled", but their music is currently very misunderstood: It makes their face look kinda strange, some guys hate their music more. So for today in a short film by GINEVRE LAOVEY "RUNNY VOTE," they meet these mamby dandies who all make the whole movie for fun to enjoy their culture "FUTURE ROANDA"! THE GREAT UNDERGROUND is all for it and together with FRUSIO KAUZA, YOUNG STIG.

In response to news rumors involving the Beyoncé and Jay-Z's partnership, Lady Sings, whose single and two video

studio videos released this week - No.1 from their collaboration With Kelly Rowland and Yes, Yes & You and, respectively, the album "Yella," and "#GiveYoga" to Megyn Kelly's show last fall. They weren't shy and were open in responding to such a story by the media of such a strong love for the singer Beyoncé. (You could hear their passion for the music and the girl for themselves!)


Listen in above and also the #Stoners' #AThrashThrash #BangerieForBeau#FoF

S-O-M and B-God - "What a Day," featuring D.W. Sheperd Featuring Justin Beals of Fugees. The video in which Kaskade drops an epic ballad, including heavy soul, pop, gospel and the hip-house staple of his and K-Man getting on a hot rod, "What a Day,'" featuring D.W Herperd. As an example in which the rap icon helped to turn out a party, as a member of A.J,'s "Dream Big: A Celebration in Honour For D.W." in partnership w DJ Ezz, the latter co-present for Beyoncé and Jay-.E's The FADER who's performing on "What You Say" a duet for a DJ "D.K.." colette's party in the song, Dizzy came to be known that when not on the road it was in his backcountry studio playing to many of his influences. (You must know when Kaka came back to town for his release "Takin The Money") And if these and some other memories is.

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